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The New CMS Interoperability Standards: CARIN, DAF, and Prior Authorization

The New CMS Interoperability Standards: CARIN, DAF, and Prior Authorization

Ruben Viera
CEO at Rockit Development Studio

Jul 12, 2024 | Blogs, FHIR, Interoperability

The healthcare industry is experiencing a paradigm shift towards seamless data exchange and interoperability, driven by several key standards and regulations. With the CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Rule now in effect, healthcare organizations must adapt to these changes to remain compliant and, more importantly, improve patient outcomes through better data sharing.

In this updated blog post, we’ll delve deeper into three crucial standards you need to be aware of: CARIN for consumer-directed exchange, DAF for payer-provider exchange, and new prior authorization requirements, emphasizing their impact and providing relevant figures and insights.

Consumer-Directed Exchange: CARIN Blue Button forAll

The CARIN Alliance promotes secure data exchange through a common framework, enabling patients to access their health information via third-party apps seamlessly. Major players like Humana, UnitedHealthcare, and Anthem have already adopted CARIN, signifying its potential for true consumer-centric interoperability.


  • Patients: Hassle-free access to claims, lab results, and other health data through their preferred apps. No more juggling multiple portals!
  • Developers: Standardized technical requirements simplify integration of payer and provider data into innovative apps.
  • Healthcare: Scalability for consumer-friendly health apps and unlocking the full potential of Blue Button 2.0.

Key Figures:

  • 30+ organizations endorse CARIN principles, including ONC, CMS, Sequoia Project, and HL7.
  • 100+ million patients potentially gain access to their data through CARIN – enabled apps.

Payer-Provider Data Exchange: Da Vinci FHIR Implementation Guides

Standardizing data exchange between payers and providers is crucial for seamless care coordination and administrative efficiency. The HL7 Da Vinci Project tackles this challenge through FHIR implementation guides, with the Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange (DAF) guide being particularly significant.

DAF facilitates standardized exchange of:

  • Member lists
  • Coverage status
  • Claims data
  • Care planning information


  • Lower administrative costs: Reduced burden of manual data entry and reconciliation.
  • Frictionless data exchange: Improved accuracy and efficiency of communication between payers and providers.
  • Enhanced care coordination: Better visibility into patient history and coverage improves care decisions. 

Adoption and Impact:

  • Major health systems like Cleveland Clinic adopt DAF for payer exchange.
  • Estimates suggest potential savings of $47 billion annually across the healthcare industry through wider DAF adoption.

Prior Authorization and Utilization Management

Complying with the new CMS prior authorization requirements is critical for healthcare organizations. These regulations mandate FHIR-based APIs and specific response timeframes, emphasizing automation and efficiency for both payers and providers.

The Da Vinci Prior Authorization Support (PAS) guide assists in navigating these requirements by offering a workflow-focused implementation guide for:

  • Requirements gathering
  • Submission
  • Status checks
  • Response


  • Streamlined prior authorization process: Automation reduces administrative burden and delays.
  • Improved patient experience: Faster turn around times and clarity on authorization status.
  • Reduced costs: Efficient workflows minimize administrative expenses for both sides.

Key Figures:

  • CMS estimates that streamlined prior authorization processes could save the healthcare system $18.6 billion annually.
  • 80% of providers report challenges with prior authorization processes, highlighting the need for improvement.

Where Does Rockit Come In?

As the healthcare industry adopts these new interoperability standards and regulations, solutions like Rockit Development Studio can help smooth the transition.

Rockit offers embedded compliance capabilities, allowing healthcare organizations to quickly and cost-effectively meet new standards and
requirements. Whether you need to implement CARIN for consumer data access or integrate Da Vinci FHIR for payer exchange, RockIT provides the tools to accelerate and simplify success.

As the path to true interoperability unfolds, solutions like Rockit Development Studio will be key allies in overcoming implementation hurdles and keeping the patient at the center throughout.

Focus on the Patient: The Ultimate Goal

Amidst these complex standards and regulations, it’s crucial to remember the ultimate beneficiary: the patient. Seamless data exchange empowers patients with informed decision-making, reduces administrative hassles, and ultimately leads to better care outcomes.

Additional Insights:

  • Data privacy and security: Emphasize the importance of robust security measures to safeguard sensitive patient data throughout data exchange processes.
  • Implementation challenges: Acknowledge potential challenges like technology integration costs and workflow disruptions, suggesting practical solutions and resources for successful implementation.
  • Future outlook: Briefly discuss the evolving regulatory landscape and anticipated advancements in interoperability standards to keep readers informed.

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